Michigan Area Loan Fund

We are a ministry partner with you by providing mortgage loans and promissory notes. We also offer a highly competitive investment opportunity in the loan fund for Michigan residents, churches, and ministry organizations.  Participants help to expand the ministry of local congregations. Though loans are used for a variety of purposes, they all benefit the ministry of local churches and organizations throughout Michigan.


  • Loans up to $1.5 million
  • Larger loans possible with our partner organization
  • Promissory notes up to $100,000 for 90 months
  • 5 year mortgages with 10, 15, or 20 year amortization
  • Current loan rates  
    • Mortgage 6.25% -15 years or less*
    • Mortgage 7.00%- 15 – 20 years*
    • Promissory note 8.00%

*Ballon feature at 60 months

The Fund is currently paying investors 3.0% interest


Getting Started

To determine eligibility and to learn more, contact us.